One-Sided Friendship

5 Signs You’re in a One-Sided Friendship

Friendships are essential to our emotional health, providing us with companionship, support, and joy. It can improve our experiences, make us happier and provide shelter for our emotions. But, as it is the case with most interpersonal relations, not all friendships can be said to be symmetrical. Some can turn into one way depending with the preferences of the givers while the receivers feel pulled apart with no admiration. If you find that in the friendship, most of the time you are the one making initiation and more often you are the one giving then you may be in a one sided friendship. In the following blog, you will discover 5 signs of an unbalanced friendship relationship, as well as ways of addressing such complications.

One-Sided Friendship

What is a One-Sided Friendship?

One-sided friendships are a type of friendship in which one friend spends much more time, energy and emotions than the other. Those who are in this position can feel bitter and resentful, lonely and isolated…and can be more prone to depression. A two-way friendship is one where both parties are at ease with each other, and they serve some kind of purpose in each other’s life, which strengthens the friendship. Given that there are so many doubts about the relationship we have to understand what you should observe in your partner if a person is experiencing a one-sided relationship

5 Signs You’re in a One-Sided Friendship

One-Sided Friendship

Sign 1: You Always Initiate Contact

Your friend might not cherish the friendship as much as you do if you are regularly the one reaching out to establish plans, check in, or start conversations. Good relationships should be based on reciprocal effort; if you are the only one putting in this kind of work, you could feel undervalued and ignored.

  • The Reality of One-Sided Initiation: Being the only one always reaching out causes an emotional imbalance in the friendship. You can start to feel as though you are chasing your friend instead of enjoying a close relationship. As you start to wonder why your friend does not seem to care enough to start contact, this might cause irritation and resentment. This can happen with time.
  • Tip: Think on the frequency of your starting of conversations. Should you find a pattern whereby your friend hardly strikes up conversation with you, you could have to rethink the dynamics of the friendship. Establishing a trial period whereby you avoid starting contact to see whether your friend reacts could be helpful.
One-Sided Friendship

Sign 2: Conversations Feel One-Dimensional

It is essential for both individuals to communicate their thoughts, emotions, and experiences in order to foster a positive friendship. If your conversations are primarily focused on your friend’s life, with little interest in your own from their end, it is a warning sign. A one-sided friendship frequently lacks substance, and you may experience the sensation of being a passive observer rather than an active participant in the dialogue.

  • The Emotional Impact of One-Dimensional Conversations: Feelings of invisibility may result when a single individual dominates conversations. You may experience a sense of insignificance regarding your thoughts and emotions, which can gradually diminish your self-esteem. This emotional distance may be difficult to overcome due to the absence of reciprocity.
  • Tip: Monitor the frequency with which your friend interacts with your updates. Do they inquire about your life or demonstrate interest in it, or do they swiftly return to their own concerns? A sign of imbalance is when you find yourself sharing and receiving little in return. It is advisable to gently direct the conversation toward your personal experiences and observe whether your companion is interested.
One-Sided Friendship

Sign 3: They Only Reach Out When They Need Something

Another clear sign of a one-sided friendship is if your friend only contacts you when they need support or a favor. This behavior can be frustrating and hurtful, as it suggests that they see you more as a convenience than a valued companion. Friendships should be about mutual support, not just transactional interactions.

  • Understanding the Dynamics of Conditional Support: If your friend only reaches out in times of need, it can lead to feelings of being used. You may feel like a safety net rather than a true friend, and this conditional support can create a significant emotional divide. Over time, this imbalance can cause you to feel reluctant to offer help, fearing that your friendship is more about utility than connection.
  • Tip: Consider the nature of your interactions. Is there a pattern of only being reached out to during crises or when your friend requires assistance? If so, it’s essential to address this imbalance. A good approach might be to communicate your feelings openly. Let your friend know that while you care about them, you would appreciate more balanced interactions.
One-Sided Friendship

Sign 4: You Feel Drained After Interactions

Healthy alliances should inspire and enhance one’s self-esteem. An disparity in the relationship may be suggested if you consistently experience feelings of exhaustion, anxiety, or depletion after spending time with your friend. One-sided alliances frequently result in feelings of resentment and frustration, which can lead to a questioning of one’s worth.

  • Recognizing Emotional Drainage: It is crucial to distinguish between emotional drain and healthful exhaustion. It is possible for individuals in healthy relationships to feel fatigued following an intense conversation, but this should not be a recurring occurrence. It may be necessary to assess the dynamics at play if you find yourself feeling depleted after the majority of interactions.
  • Tip: Monitor your emotions following your social interaction. Are you left feeling exhausted and frustrated, or do you feel energized and happy? Keeping a journal of your emotions following interactions can assist in the clarification of your emotional responses and the provision of insight into the nature of the friendship.
One-Sided Friendship

Sign 5: You’re the One Who Compromises

In any friendship, both parties must be prepared to make compromises and sacrifices. It is a significant indicator of a one-sided friendship if you are continually adjusting your plans or preferences to accommodate your friend without receiving the same consideration. In a thriving relationship, you should experience a sense of appreciation and worth.

  • The Cost of Constant Compromise: Resentment may result from the constant compromise of one’s requirements. It is possible that you may begin to feel as though your desires and preferences are unimportant, which can result in an emotional schism within the friendship. Emotional fatigue and dissatisfaction may result from this pattern over time.
  • Tip: Consider the frequency with which you have altered your plans for them in comparison to the frequency with which they have done the same for you. It is time to reevaluate the friendship if the scales are significantly skewed in one direction. Engage in an open dialogue regarding your requirements and establish a more equitable dynamic for the future.

How to Address a One-Sided Friendship

Recognizing these signs is the first step in addressing a one-sided friendship. Here are some strategies to consider:

One-Sided Friendship

1. Communicate Openly

The initial step in resolving a one-sided companionship is to openly express your emotions. Maintaining healthy relationships necessitates candid conversations, which may prove to be intimidating. Share your apprehensions regarding the imbalance and engage in a conversation regarding your requirements. Your friend may not even be aware of the dynamic and may be amenable to making adjustments once they comprehend your viewpoint.

  • How to Start the Conversation: Approach your friend in a non-confrontational and composed manner. Express your emotions without appearing accusatory by employing “I” statements. For instance, instead of stating “You never call me,” you could say “I feel unappreciated when I am always the one reaching out.” This method has the potential to prevent defensiveness and promote open dialogue.
One-Sided Friendship

2. Set Boundaries

The establishment of boundaries is essential in any form of friendship. Develop a clear understanding of your requirements for the relationship and articulate them effectively. As an illustration, if you are consistently the one who initiates plans, inform your companion that you would appreciate it if they could occasionally take the lead. Boundaries are established to establish a more equitable dynamic and to guarantee that both parties feel appreciated.

  • Tips for Effective Boundaries: Clearly define your expectations and boundaries in the friendship. Provide specific details regarding the modifications you desire. For instance, you could express your gratitude by stating, “I would be grateful if you could occasionally contact me to discuss plans, rather than relying on me to take the initiative.”
One-Sided Friendship

3. Evaluate the Friendship

Evaluate the friendship after you have addressed your concerns. Consider whether the relationship is worth the emotional investment and the effort. Inquire as to whether your friend is amenable to compromising and making adjustments. Detaching yourself from the friendship may be warranted if not.

  • Deciding Whether to Move On: Before deciding to move on, evaluate the overall character of the friendship. Is there any indication that your acquaintance is inclined to reciprocate your efforts? If the friendship consistently leaves you feeling depleted and undervalued, it may be more beneficial to take a step back and allocate your time to relationships that bring you happiness and satisfaction.


As per the goal of the relationships we refer to as friendships, the presence, support, and pure enjoyment friends bring is meant to improve our life. Should you see these five signs pointing to a one-sided relationship, you should probably rethink your friendship with them. One should always give their emotional well-being first priority and surround themselves with people who appreciate her particular traits. These disparities can be corrected, so it is possible to create more effective and outstanding coalitions by defining particular policies.

About the author

Suhas Dakhole

Hi I am Suhas Dakhole. A Lifelong Learner who loves to Teach. My philosophy is to learn by doing and implement what you've learned in real life.

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