How to be more creative

“How to Become More Creative: Expert Tips to Unlock Your Imagination”

The capacity for creative thinking of new ways to do things or solve old issues is what we mean when we talk about creativity. It’s a talent that can be honed and perfected with practice. Both your personal and professional lives will benefit from your ability to think creatively. Art, design, literature, and marketing are just a few fields where inventiveness is rewarded highly. Here are some helpful tips from experts to help you unleash your inner creativity.

1. Understand the Creative Process.

Creativity is not just about coming up with ideas. It is a process that involves generating ideas, evaluating them, refining them, and implementing them. Understanding the creative process will help you become more creative. The process usually consists of the following steps: Preparation: Gathering information, researching, brainstorming Incubation: Letting ideas simmer in your mind, taking a break Illumination: A sudden breakthrough or idea Verification: Testing and refining the idea

2. Embrace New Experiences.

The pursuit of novel experiences is a great way to fuel one’s imagination. Exploring a new area, trying out a new pastime, or acquiring a new set of skills all fall under this category. Insightful new ideas and points of view can emerge through being exposed to other viewpoints.

3. Take Breaks and Downtime.

It is crucial to one’s creative process to take pauses and downtime. It gives your mind a chance to relax and roam freely. Your mind does not stop working, even when you are resting; it continues to analyse data and thoughts in the background. You may stimulate your creative thinking by going for a stroll, meditating, or even just looking out the window for a while.

4. Brainstorm and Mind Map.

Brainstorming and mind mapping are two methods that might prove useful while trying to think of something completely new. Participants in a brainstorming session are urged to generate as many unique ideas as they can without evaluating or ranking them. Visual thinking techniques like mind mapping require drawing a map of your ideas and the associations between them.

5. Collaborate with Others.

Collaboration is a great way to unleash your imagination. Working with others provides opportunities to hear and see other perspectives and learn new methods. Also, it may help you overcome mental blocks and generate original ideas.

6. Keep a Creative Journal.

Maintaining a creative journal may assist you in recording your thoughts, ideas, and discoveries. Also, it might assist you in monitoring your development and providing insight into the creative process. Put all of your thoughts, inspirations, and challenges down on paper. Use it as a tool to investigate fresh concepts and improve upon established ideas.

7. Practice Divergent Thinking.

Having the capacity for divergent thought process is being able to come up with a variety of approaches to a problem. Stepping beyond of one’s comfort zone and into uncharted territory is required. Use your ability to think laterally and creatively by coming up with creative solutions to problems and asking “what if” questions.

8. Limit Distractions.

One’s ability to think creatively can be stifled by outside interruptions. Choose a quiet, relaxing place where you can shut off distractions and concentrate. Disable the alerts that come up on your phone, in your inbox, and on your social media accounts. Minimizing interruptions is a tried-and-true method for maintaining concentration and getting more done.

9. Learn from Failure.

Doing anything new always comes with a chance of failure. It’s not possible to put everyone’s ideas into action. Learn as much as you can from your missteps and apply that knowledge towards improving your future. Feedback and lessons learned through setbacks may be essential in refining your creative process.

10. Practice, Practice, Practice.

Practice is necessary for creativity just as it is for any other talent. Make sure you give your creative side some time each and every day. It could take the form of writing, sketching, or just brainstorming ideas. The more you exercise your creativity via practice, the more original you will become.


In conclusion, the ability to be creative is a powerful asset that may improve our lives in many ways. Many people mistakenly believe that creativity is a fixed trait, rather than a skill that can be honed and enhanced through experience and effort. You may increase your ability to think creatively and develop original concepts by putting into practice some of the tactics and activities described here. Hence, to reach your greatest potential, you should dive headfirst into new experiences and embrace your inner artist.

About the author

Suhas Dakhole

Hi I am Suhas Dakhole. A Lifelong Learner who loves to Teach. My philosophy is to learn by doing and implement what you've learned in real life.

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